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Sound Healing Is...
Native Americans have used sound to treat various ailments for generations. Sound frequency healing aids in relaxation and meditation. Singing bowls can have beneficial changes in the body including reducing stress, balancing the body's energy system, among other healing properties.
In my early twenties, I bought a Tibetan sound bowl and I fell in love with the tone and the feeling of playing the bowl. Two years ago, I was introduced to alchemy crystal singing bowls. At the same time, I was studying sound healing and the effects that certain tones and frequnecies have on our mental, spiritual and physical bodies. I started collecting crystal healing bowls and using them as therapy for myself.
Music has always been a passion of mine and a form of therapy for me, now I get to spread that joy and healing to others through the sounds of frequency singing bowls.
Benefits of Sound Frequency Healing
Reported Benefits of a Sound Bath Session: (Note experiences may vary by the indivual)
- Deep relaxation
- Calm body & mind
- Blood pressure regulation
- Mental clarity
- Increased creativity and inspiration
- Muscle tension relief
- Improved sleep
- Increased energy
- Pain relief
- Improved mood and well-being
- Increased bodily awareness
- Balanced energy centers
- Self- confidence
- Balanced immune system
- Personal development
- Renewed sense of peace
- Activation of the parasympathetic nervouse system
- & many more!
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